Wednesday, February 14, 2007



first I throuht out the garbagge, in the garbagge go the chips, pizza, sandwich, birthday hut, the cassette and baloon. then, I pick up everythin from the floor, I put the rug end then I put the soffa, table end the chair on the rug. third, I put the Jacket, shoe and sock in the closet. fourth, I fix the clock, shelf, and picture in the wall. finally, I fix the lamp end the phone end I put them in the table.

that is how I clean my house.


Everyday I wake up at eight o clock in the morning I have to prepare to go to school then at eight tirty I have to leave my house, I walk to the bart station, that take my fifteen minutes to get there. Then, I can take any bart to get here. Second, I take the firt class at nine o clock in the morning is speaking class after that I take the other class is writing (mondays, wednesdays end fridays) in tuesdays and thursdays I take Grammar in context end mondays to fridays after class I to the school's gym. Third, I go home eat end prepare to go to work at two thirty until twelve thirty midnight. Finally, I go home to sleep. that's wy I don't have time to do Homework but I try, that is what I do.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


What is your complete name?
My name is Orlando Javier McDavis Salomon.

Where do you live?
I live in Oakland California.

When and where were you born?
I was born In Nicaragua, in april 21, 1982.

What is your nationality?
My nationality is Nicaraguan.

What languages do you speak?
I speak Spanish and a litle english.

Where did you go to school before this school?
When a was in my country a whent to school over there.

Do you have any hobbies?
yes I do, I like play basketball,

What do you do in your free time?
I work out

What are your plans for the future?
Bring my family to the US


My family is my wife, my son, my baby, my mother-in-law, my father and my grandfather.

My son likes goig to school every day, my wife likes to cook and to go shopping, my mother-

in-law works every day and my litle baby likes play, eat end fight with everbody, my wife buys food

and clothes for our childrens and my mother-in-law brings more food from her job.

My father is hardworking, he has two jobs, my brothers are good guys, they go to school

every day and my grandfather is seventysix years old and still strong.